The Chibi Project

Botan / Hung, Drawn, and Quartered

Show Notes

The Chibi Project episode 15:

Botan / Hung, Drawn, and Quartered

Running Time: 15:41
Hosted by: PatrickD
Recorded: August 9, 2008
Posted: August 20, 2008

PatrickD of The Chibi Project conducted a live experiment at San Japan 1.5 on August 9, 2008. Botan of Yu Yu Hakusho was exposed to one of the oldest and most cruel forms of torture, being hung, drawn, and quartered.

The experiment began with kite string tied to each of Botan's limbs. The strings were pulled by a audience members. After much effort, none of the limbs would come loose.

PatrickD stepped on Botan, but still nobody could pull any limbs loose.

As a last resort, the audience members were told to abandon the strings and pull directly on her limbs. In the end, after a great amount of effort, Botan was quartered into four pieces.

At the end of the panel, PatrickD answered questions, took suggestions, and talked about some future testing.

Music in this episode:
"axl k" and "best ever" by K.T.F. Terison -